In 1995, Ron Harpham started Mithra Systems as a result of receiving many
requests for advice in setting up databases from small businesses in and
around the Gloucestershire area. These businesses could contact him
through the company leaving Ron free to concentrate on his work for the
Ministry of Defence. In 1997 Ron decided to leave the MoD and focus his
attention on Mithra Systems when his department was 'sold off' to a
private company. Later that year Mithra Systems won the On-Line
Document of the Year Award despite stiff competition from Siemens, Logica
and Bradford & Bingley.
Since 1997 Mithra Systems have had contracts with Government
departments including Ministry of Defence, Environment Agency, National
Assembly for Wales, Training Standards Council and Adult Learning
Inspectorate as well as with large and small companies including Egg,
British Telecom, Valor Heating, GE Aircraft Engines and CHI Premier.
In 2010 Ron enroled on a 13 week stained glass course at the Creative
Glass Guild in Bristol, this was followed by a 31 week course in 2011-12. At
this point Mithra Systems Ltd became Mithra Designs Ltd as the company
added the design and supply of bespoke stained glass items such as
window panels, fused glass signs, bowls etc. to its portfolio.
Ron's aim is to ensure that every customer is fully satisfied with the work
that Mithra Designs undertakes and the number of extended contracts and
re-engagements shows that this must be the case.
Above: Ron explains the intricacies of
database design to the Rt Hon
Estelle Morris MP during the official
opening of the Adult Learning
Inspectorate's Coventry
headquarters in 2002
About Mithra Designs
Mithra Designs Ltd | 14 Briars Close | Churchdown | Gloucester | GL3 2RZ | Tel: 01452 531361
Windows Application Development | Database Design | Website Design | Stained Glass Art